Musik 21.05.21 MUSIC Artist Meetup – live@home Organizer: all2gethernow e.V. This time Music Pool Berlin would like to organize an Artist Meetup…
Musik 31.05.21 MUSIC Understanding the world of Record Labels Organizer: all2gethernow e.V. Learn the ins and outs of the record industry, past, present and…
Musik 24.-27.06.21 Festival FUSION: TEAM RED Organizer: Kulturkosmos Müritz e.V. Far away from everyday life, a parallel society of a very…
Musik 01.-04.07.21 Festival FUSION: TEAM BLACK Organizer: Kulturkosmos Müritz e.V. Far away from everyday life, a parallel society of a very…
Musik 16.-18.07.21 Festival Nation of Gondwana 2021 Milan Organizer: Artevent GmbH Welcome To Semifictive Parallel World Tourism! Proclamations of the pyons whip from…
Musik 13.-15.08.21 Festival MS DOCKVILLE 2021 Organizer: Kopf & Steine GmbH After MS DOCKVILLE could not take place in 2020, music…
Musik 23.-25.07.21 Festival Nation of Gondwana 2021 Kranich Organizer: Artevent GmbH Welcome To Semifictive Parallel World Tourism! Proclamations of the pyons whip from…
Musik 25.-28.08.21 Festival Pop-Kultur Festival 2021 Organizer: Musicboard Berlin GmbH Pop-Kultur is an international festival hosted by Musicboard Berlin GmbH. It will…
Musik 22.-25.09.21 Festival Reeperbahn Festival 2021 Organizer: Reeperbahn Festival GbR The Reeperbahn Festival combines a diverse line-up of new, international talent…
Musik 19.-22.01.22 Festival Festival for experimental Music Organizer: klub katarakt Festival GbR For 16 years, the Hamburg festival klubkatarakt has been presenting…