Musik 23.-25.07.21 Festival Nation of Gondwana 2021 Kranich Organizer: Artevent GmbH Welcome To Semifictive Parallel World Tourism! Proclamations of the pyons whip from…
Musik 25.-28.08.21 Festival Pop-Kultur Festival 2021 Organizer: Musicboard Berlin GmbH Pop-Kultur is an international festival hosted by Musicboard Berlin GmbH. It will…
Festival 26.08.-03.09.21 Festival BERLIN PHOTO WEEK Organizer: Berlin Photo Week GmbH Join the organizer this summer at the new venue, Arena…
Festival 08.-11.09.21 Festival POOL 2021 Organizer: DOCK 11GmbH (gemeinnützig) Once a year POOL presents a selection of fascinating dance film…
Kreativwirtschaft 11.-12.09.21 Creative Industry Next Level Festival Organizer: Next Level UG (haftungsbeschränkt) EXPERIENCE 2 DAYS OF LIVE STREAMING AT ITS BEST! Mega…
Festival 25.08-12.09.21 Festival Festival Des Deutschen Films Organizer: Festival des deutschen Films Ludwigshafen am Rhein gGmbH Germany’s second-largest film festival in terms…
Kreativwirtschaft 15.-19.09.21 Creative Industry Silbersalz Festival Organizer: Documentary Campus e.V. SILBERSALZ is the first international science and media festival of its…
Musik 22.-25.09.21 Festival Reeperbahn Festival 2021 Organizer: Reeperbahn Festival GbR The Reeperbahn Festival combines a diverse line-up of new, international talent…
Festival 23.-26.09.21 Festival Photopia Hamburg Organizer: Hamburg Messe und Congress GmbH The four-day live event offers magical spaces to try…
Festival 21.-28.10.21 Festival Film Festival Cologne Organizer: Cologne Conference GmbH FILM FESTIVAL COLOGNE – 30 YEARS OF THE FUTURE! See now…
Festival 26.05.-28.12.21 Dance Potsdam tanzt Organizer: fabrik Potsdam e.V. Dance finds new spaces, formats and ways of mediation. It overcomes…
Festival 25.-27.11.21 Art Return – International Art Festival Organizer: Return International Art Festival “Art without borders” is the motto of the RETURN International…