Macht der Marke

2.00 PM | Brands and Fashion | Online

Macht der Marke

Organizer: Fashion Council Germany e. V.

Does the product make the brand? Or the brand the product?

Speakers: Trend expert, Sabine Spieler
and brand expert, Corinna Umbach


A cooperation at its best.

Sabine Spieler and Corinna Umbach have combined their expertise and developed a new workshop format that answers central questions about the successful interaction of brand & product.


Does brand make product or product make brand?

Too interchangeable, too much information, too much merchandise and consumer weariness are the new signs of the times. Fashion has to reinvent itself. For a strong product, the me-too is quickly found, and a strong brand positioning often fails because of the weak product. And the customers? Turning away … How can a brand build customer loyalty, safely translate trends and stay true to itself?


Sabine Spieler and Corinna Umbach are convinced: It can be done! To create value, brand and product must go hand in hand. In their new workshop format, they shed light on three central future fields of fashion: brand positioning, style reliability in the product and authentic trend selection. A concept that is becoming a game changer.

The webinar will have a presentation and an active Q&A component. It will last approximately 1.5 hours.

Participation Fees:

Fees are waived during Covid-19 Pandemic!

Go to the organizer’s website here.

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