Berlin Producers To Meet

All day | Matchmaking for Stations and Producers | Online

Berlin Producers To Meet

Organizer: Medienboard Berlin-Brandenburg GmbH

Berlin/Potsdam – New media funding is launching the next round of the matchmaking event series for broadcasters and producers from the Capital Region BERLIN PRODUCERS TO MEET – for the second time with Mediengruppe RTL Deutschland. With this format, this time as a digital edition, the Medienboard would like to continue and further expand the creative exchange between producers from Berlin-Brandenburg and Mediengruppe RTL in 2021. Mediengruppe RTL has been a channel partner of the Medienboard’s new media funding since 2020.

The event will take place digitally on April 28th and 29th, 2021. After a joint kick-off, participants will have the opportunity to pitch their ideas to station representatives in one-on-one meetings. The best ideas have the chance to receive development funding and further develop the project idea together with Mediengruppe RTL and Medienboard. The focus is on small and medium-sized companies from Berlin and Brandenburg that are able to implement both the development and the production of their series idea. We are looking for unique serial non-fiction formats – from reports to factuals to docu-series. The deadline for applications is March 26th, 2021.

More information can be found here.

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